Monday, September 24, 2012

When I'm really busy

I developed a strange coping mechanism over the past few years. It seems that the uncertainty and lack of control involved in writing a dissertation (and getting a PhD) has caused me to cope by daydreaming about projects around the house. Yes, I actually day dream about work - just work I have complete control over! :)

While I work really hard to finish up this school thing, I've been daydreaming about the following:
  1. An organized pantry
  2. Overhauling the kitchen and re-organizing the whole thing
  3. The master bathroom remodel that hopefully will begin next year
  4. Completing the painting in our home
  5. Sewing - curtains, pillows, etc
The husband and I plan to come up with another priority list of to-do's around the house in the next week or so. That way we can pick the most appropriate ones for Thanksgiving and Christmas since we have more time over those holidays to get stuff done.

And we should know a lot more about the master bathroom situation after Christmas  because my awesome SIL and BIL offered to help us with the plans. They are both architects and are in the process of remodeling their home in Philly (and doing a kick-ass job). I'm excited to have some professional help and grateful they offered!

I will also be back on the blog train soon as school stuff will slow down in the next few weeks. T-minus 1 month until defense - October 26 is the date. Eek!

1 comment:

  1. we're happy to help, now bring on those checkerboard drawings!
