Sunday, June 6, 2010

Busy weekend

Well we (really Liz) decided that the garage needed organizing. See below for the explanation of why this was necessary.

Thanks to some help from Ikea and Lowes, we got to cleaning and organizing, despite the ridiculous heat, humidity, and mosquitoes. This will likely not be the last time I mention any of those three Texas terrors. On a side note - we use mosquito spray b/c the buggers are so bad but they still find ways to get around it. For example, yesterday I found one in the lining of my shorts - awesome. Back to garage organizing. Here are the after pictures. We still have to get one of those giant toolbox things for Chip's tools that remain in the dining room but those things are a tad bit pricey. So tools will stay in the dining room for now. But here is the almost finished product and thanks to Chip's hard work and some help from Liz, it looks great!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. You guys did a great job on the garage! Wish mine looked this nice :)
