Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Decision making

Making decisions and compromising are sometimes the hardest things to do in a marriage. The husband and I face our fair share of situations needing some sort of agreement. We tend to approach these differently depending on the type of situation.

For house items, we've devised an approach that I think works pretty well.

Step 1: We compile a list of to-do's - in this particular instance it is a list of improvements we would like to see by mid-November.

On the list: 
Paint office
Paint foyer
Paint dining room
Paint trim in all of the rooms in the house that need it
Paint ugly yellow-tinged doors
Repair dog-damaged bathroom doors
Repair dog-damaged laundry room door and trim
Finish project 1
Finish project 2
Paint back suite
Finish decorating several rooms
Paint front door
Planting around mailbox

Step 2: We go to our respective corners and prioritize the list based on our own preferences.

Step 3: We total our separate priorities.

Step 4: We prioritize based on the lowest total number.

This is the actual sheet where we worked out priorities for accomplishing these tasks.

Our process definitely works well for us! 

And if you can't read the husbands chicken scratch - our prioritized list is below.

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