Friday, May 27, 2011

How many tomatoes does it take to...

I'm sure I mentioned that we planted a few (approximately 85,000) tomato plants. Supposedly some were 'early' varieties, while others were 'indeterminate' varieties. Both suggesting that we might have some tomatoes early in the season followed by more from our longer growing varieties. Right. So our garden has a mind of its own, clearly and we have what I might describe as a monsoon of tomatoes from all of varieties.

I'm kinda overwhelmed by the tomatoes. When I go out to the garden and can count at least 10 tomatoes on most of our plants I start thinking I might turn into a tomato. I'm not ready yet!!! I haven't figured out how to can them or ordered the supplies for that matter. Agghh!! Really, I don't quite feel this way (yet). I'll keep you posted on that!

In the last few days we've picked more than 4 lbs. Yes, you read correctly. 4 lbs! So I made some gazpacho. Tasty and a terrific way to use your yummy (out of control) garden pickings.

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