Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mid-day diamond

I came across this post on marriage and thought it was worth sharing. In the post, Kristen, from Rage Against the Minivan, writes about the work of marriage (which speaks to the work associated with any relationship). I like it so I'm sharing it! Enjoy!

Here's a quick excerpt:

"While I think that marital relationships can and should maintain those warm feelings of love in the long-term, I also think that there are some seasons where that love is going to me more above loving behavior and less about loving feelings.  It’s trite but it’s true: love is a verb.  It’s a feeling, too, yes . . . but feelings are temperamental little buggers, and shouldn’t be followed at every whim.  Some seasons are not as conducive to loving feelings, and it’s in those moments that we have to “fake it till we make it” and work at loving behaviors with confidence that the loving feelings will follow."

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