Friday, April 20, 2012


Life has felt a bit too fast-paced lately. The husband traveled for work all of last week, returning home on Friday only to see me leave on Saturday for a 6-day work trip. My work trip seemed a bit more glamorous since I was attending a conference in Vegas.

The view from my hotel window.

However, I think I can safely say that sending an introvert alone into a situation that included one of the largest conferences in the world in a place like Vegas is going to result in one exhausted person (confirmed by my coworkers, all of whom told me I looked tired yesterday).

In addition, the conference focused on all things video related - production, editing, etc. Yes, I am a counselor by training and in my heart, so this was WAY outside of my comfort zone is so many ways.

A small part of Canon's exhibit with a set and live cameras

But I made it - I met some good industry contacts (you know, for all those times I'll be shooting video in my future career), learned a ton, and even had a little bit of fun! :)


As much as my introverted self needs some downtime, our little family is heading straight into a packed second half of the year. We have a lot to look forward to - celebrations, visits, and travel of all types - and I'm sure, somewhere in the midst of all of it, I'll find some quiet time!

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