Monday, July 15, 2013

Back to it

I think I am finally in a place where I can get back to blogging more. But really, who knows? Things have been quite busy over the last couple of months so here is a crazy update on what we've been up to.

  • We gardened as usual this year and had a great year - we were more on top of the bugs and our unusual spring gave all of our veggies a huge boost. We grew tomatoes, peppers and tomatillos. We also planted our herb garden and it has really taken off.

  • We drove to NC for a quick visit and to exchange cars. We bought my mom's 09 Accord and "sold" my wonderfully quirky 96 Corolla to my brother. That's right, I no longer own the car I've driven since my sophomore year in college. It was a sad day but there are some perks to having a working radio and automatic locks and windows! :) And since that old car got me through three colleges, I'm sure it will help my brother make it successfully through his MBA program.
  •  We painted the last room in our house! Woo-hoo! I love the color and I'm still amazed at the huge difference the new paint color makes in how the room feels. 
Before and After
  • We remodeled a closet. Yep, not super exciting but the husband did a great job building the shelves and the closet is super functional for us now. We gutted the closet and added a full wall of shelves and a new clothes hanging area. You can see the closet empty and then filled to the brim below. One of the issues with living in a super hot place is that many items cannot be stored in the attic, thus this remodeled closet holds all of the items we would normally put in an attic.

  • And most recently we went to an amazing and fun wedding in Houston! Yay for not traveling for a wedding and having friends come down to visit!

The wedding after party decorations - awesome.

Next up this week: A review of our huge upcoming project!

1 comment:

  1. Love the paint color! And the closet looks awesome!! Also, you look HOT in that dress:)
