Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No going back now!

We successfully demoed the bathroom this past weekend! Yay! It wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated and thankfully we didn't run into any issues!!

We spent Thursday evening and Friday evening moving all of our stuff into the back part of the house. I had grand illusions that we could easily fit the contents of our master bedroom, bathroom, and closet into the back three bedrooms, three closets, and guest bath. Ha! To be fair all of our stuff is back there, it just took a lot more finagling than I anticipated. And I haven't quite finished finding a place for everything. I'll have to take pictures of that mess and post soon!

Pre-demo Saturday morning
Empty-ish master bedroom

On to demo! The husband, bless his heart, kept telling me that he envisioned the show Renovation Realities when thinking about our renovation. Please check out an episode if you're not familiar but the gist is that people who are ill-equipped and ill-prepared decide to do a renovation of whatever room in their house. It pretty much always ends with an injury and a few arguments and whatever else nonsense you can think of. Definitely not what you want to hear from your husband before demo! Thankfully, no renovation realities occurred this past weekend!

Day 1 of demo began slowly but picked up quickly after our friend Brett came to help. I decided that if I wanted to maintain my sanity my time was best spent tackling the organization of all of our stuff in the other bedrooms. So the husband and Brett got to it!

A lot done by lunch on Saturday

During the tile removal. It was so loud and they were so worried.

End of the first day!
Day 2 involved only a few hours of demo and clean up thankfully.

We also found some really awesome (sarcasm) wallpaper behind the vanity. I'm glad that wasn't in the bathroom when we moved in! Can you even imagine that purple striped wallpaper all over the bathroom?!? Eek!

You can see in some of the pictures that we opted to keep a few things in place for the time being. The door to the closet stayed so we could minimize how much dust went in there. We also left the light box thing because it opens directly into the attic. We plan to tackle that this coming weekend.

Up next:
Close off attic ceiling above light box so we can remove that.
Possibly begin work on the pocket door.
Whatever else suits our fancy.

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