Tuesday, July 9, 2013

One year

Today represents one year from the day my grandfather died. At times I still find myself experiencing a sadness that fills my whole chest when I think of him. I know that as time continues to pass that those moments will occur with less frequency and linger a little less as well. Grief is a strange thing in deed. On this day, though, I want to spend some time remembering a man I was so fortunate to have as a grandfather. Below are just a few memories I have of him.

He loved candy and Honey never really bought it (I think he wasn't really supposed to eat it) but my mom would always buy a big bag for him for Christmas and his birthday. He would smile his mischievous smile when he opened the bag and then proceed to eat a few pieces.

Honey likes to say that if Pa knew how much she spent on his ties he would have been so upset. He really had no interest in expensive things and often thought they were quite silly.

One of my favorite things about Pa was that he could be mischievous. It wasn't frequent but every once in awhile he would play a little prank on Honey and we would all get a little laugh out of it. The way his eyes lit up and his mischievous grin are often what I choose to focus on when I think of him.

He gave great big bear hugs that felt like they might swallow you whole but stopped just short of it - they are what I miss the most.

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