Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Checking things off the list

We finally started working on the bathroom this weekend. When I say we, I mean the husband b/c the bathroom is small and well he's better at some of that stuff! The tile is done! Yay! And the husband did some electrical magic so I can have a pretty hanging light in the half bath too!

Half way there - most of the tile down!


While the husband worked diligently on tiling and electrical work, I finished (finally) the bed skirt and started on another random project (to be posted later in the week). It is really nice to have the bed on its way to being finished. I only want a few gray pillows and a gray throw and we'll be done. The bed spread is the wonderful birthday present from my mom (West Elm)! (please disregard wrinkles)


  1. The bed looks so pretty! Great job! And awesome work on the tile Chip!

  2. The bed looks so great! Yall are impressive!
