Friday, November 19, 2010


Oh yeah. We've had lots of visitors recently and that's pretty awesome.

First, moms came for a few days and although she didn't feel her best we had a great time shopping downtown and site-seeing. It was so nice having someone to shop with rather than dragging the husband around everywhere. She bought me a pretty awesome bedspread for our bed so once I finish sewing up our bedskirt, a portion of the bedroom will be complete!

Then, for my birthday, the husband surprised me by organizing a visit from my bestest Jenny and her husband Mike. Umm, can I tell you how much I love those kids? We had such a fabulous weekend with them - hung out and ate yummy food at the house, went to a great restaurant downtown for dinner Friday, shopped all day with Jenny Saturday while the men had a man-day (football-watching, meat-smoking, etc), and had a raucous evening of cheese-slinging and rubberband fights! Really, it was super-duper fun.

Here are some pictures after dinner of the motley crew - Jenny has the rest so I'll have to wait about a year to get those!

To top it off, Funke came back through again before working in Austin for a few days. Three friends from NC in one weekend!!

Needless to say, we've gladly not worked on anything around the house. But next week I'll hopefully have an update on our progress on the half bath remodel that we get started this weekend!!

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