Monday, November 29, 2010

Turkey day break

Thanksgiving turned out to be our one day of rest this past weekend. But we definitely enjoyed the quiet time together at home. Our menu was lighter than most Thanksgiving meals but just enough. We had turkey, dressing, corn souffle, and brussels sprouts. It was all very yummy and easy, making for a nice relaxing precursor to our crazy weekend!

Here's our turkey - the husband did a great job with it and it was by far one of the best tasting turkeys I've ever had!

The whole yummy meal!
Fun wine accessories!

After our restful day, we spent the rest of the weekend working on the half bath, cleaning, shopping, and putting up decorations. We didn't get nearly as much stuff done as we had hoped but its coming along. Hopefully the half bath will be finished by the end of the week.

We're still waiting on the faucet, toilet paper holder, and towel ring to arrive and I haven't yet found a mirror in our price range that I want in the bathroom. (Too bad this one is WAY TOO MUCH MONEY).

Labor-wise we still have to:
  1. Caulk the trim
  2. Paint the trim, and
  3. Install everything (toilet, sink, etc)
Who knew this bathroom would be this time intensive. The husband is doing a great job handling the fun 'issues' that pop up - e.g. the way-less-than-level ceiling (off by almost an inch in places). We're both getting excited to have it done and its definitely looking good so far. Hope to have some updated pictures soon!

And just for fun - a good picture of Shadow from the weekend!


  1. Just a thought, have you looked in to making your own mirror - i.e. buying a simple mirror from Lowes/Home Depot then putting a decorative frame from a craft store around it?!?

    Miss you guys and I enjoy keeping up with the blog :)

  2. Thanks for the idea - I was leaning toward that until I found a $30 mirror from Target that looks pretty good. Hopefully it looks as good on the wall!
