Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A bit of reality

I've recently been drawn more to bloggers who write about the truth of life, not just pretty things. And several have posted about how blogging can make things seem great b/c most people only blog about the great-kind-of-things. But reality is, life isn't great and pretty all the time but it can be fun, even more so in those not-so-perfect moments.

So, just to remind you that things aren't nearly as wonderful and pretty as they may seem in this little blogger's world, I'm gonna hit you with a fun list of reality.

I had some super sweet and kind comments on my hair at the wedding we attended in NC a few weeks back - yes, its long and that's great, why? Because I don't do it up all nice every day. Actually, that's a lie, I don't do it up all nice EVER. Yep, side ponytails, buns, regular ponytails - that's my hair everyday. And I'm good with that.

I'm kind of a clean freak (several wonderful women who happened to live with me post-graduation unfortunately know this about me - most of them still talk to me). But I've lost some of that somewhere in life and now I'm ok with:
  • The dog hair/dust balls that fly about the house
  • The husband's shoes (oh, and sometimes mine) that I about killed myself tripping over yesterday, this weekend, last week...
  • The dishes that sit in or beside the sink for three days or more (I do rinse them out)
  • The random food bits left on the island so long that I have to scrape them off with some kind of tool
  • The magazine pictures and fabric samples I've collected for decorating that now lie under our bed, in the bottom drawer of the file cabinet, in a basket next to my desk, etc.
  • Our office - a four drawer file cabinet and two full-size cabinets from Ikea that could all be termed "junk" cabinets - you know, they are the places you throw things to get them out of the way
  • And as the last example (b/c goodness knows I could go on), the entire third bedroom which is currently a storage room for Christmas decorations, a bunch of the husband's old stuff, and everything else that lacks a home in our home - you can't even walk in there any more.

I do like cooking a lot and it may seem like we do a great job of it all the time or that we eat well all the time. NOT TRUE. I saw a post recently about meal-planning for a month. It sounded nice. And then I realized our meal planning would look something like this:

Oh yeah, we eat leftovers for lunch and dinner almost every day. And those meals that we make on Sundays are usually normal low key meals like lasagna, or a casserole, or an easy crockpot recipe, or some kind of rice dish that I quadrupled and loaded with a bunch of extra veggies to get us through the week in a somewhat healthy way.

For example - this week, I'm eating pinto beans and cornbread most days, with some added in leftover hummus, enchiladas, etc. I like it but its definitely not gourmet cooking!

Oh, and I like cooking because its challenging - the husband I screw it up, sometimes pretty badly, but its fun to do things that are challenging and to occasionally come out on the winning side. And when we don't, it usually provides a good laugh!

Now you know some more about my life behind the blog - a little of the honest-to-goodness messiness of our lives! Messiness that I wouldn't trade for anything (except maybe a shorter commute to work).

Hope you have a terrific, mess of a day! :)

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